& z4 @: M3 h- X$ d[size=18.6667px]【导演】:费迪南多·巴尔迪! V! L. ?2 k! d" d1 P(欢迎访问老王论坛:laowang.vip)
[size=18.6667px]【主演】: 阿瑟·肯尼迪/索菲娅·迪奥尼西奥/约翰·理查森/达娜·吉亚% x* s9 p2 h/ {! |(欢迎访问老王论坛:laowang.vip)
[size=18.6667px]【标签】: 惊悚3 y1 Z3 Q3 S7 B(欢迎访问老王论坛:laowang.vip)
[size=18.6667px]【制片地区/国家】:意大利) m$ C* G: ~" v3 I. [( e* \5 g(欢迎访问老王论坛:laowang.vip)
[size=18.6667px]【年份】:1977 : d6 w M3 }! F( `2 I[size=18.6667px]【语言】:意大利语% D' D9 ^( h3 c& p2 m$ w. Q(欢迎访问老王论坛:laowang.vip)
[size=18.6667px]【上映时间】: 1977-01-12(意大利) 3 l! A6 i4 f7 p7 a[size=18.6667px]【剧情简介】:; J& ]0 e2 A; ?+ V7 P9 s$ t# h2 e(欢迎访问老王论坛:laowang.vip)
[size=18.6667px] "Nove Ospiti per un Delitto" is a mediocre giallo in the tradition of Agatha Christie's "And Then They Were None". Nine members of the same family go to an island, where nobody lives - but the head of the family (Arthur Kennedy) owns a nice house there. Problem is that he and his three sons keep a dark secret, and this dark secret begins to haunt them as soon as they are on the island. One by one they fall victim to a mysterious killer...* d: p" Q! Q& H- {3 J1 Q: t(欢迎访问老王论坛:laowang.vip)
[size=18.6667px] “Nove Ospiti per un delito”喺阿加莎·克里斯蒂嘅传统中系一个平庸嘅giallo,“跟住佢哋就冇咗”。同个家庭嘅九个人员去咗个岛上,边冇人居住,但系呢家嘅亚头(亚瑟·肯尼迪)喺嗰度拥有一间好靓嘅屋。问题系佢同佢三个仔保守住个鼆嘅秘密,呢个鼆嘅秘密一到岛上就开始困扰佢哋。佢哋一个接一个成为神秘杀手嘅牺牲品。。。; Y# ]! G7 E# Z(欢迎访问老王论坛:laowang.vip)